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Worship and Service

“He Who is your Lord, the All-Merciful, cherisheth in His heart the desire of beholding the entire human race as one soul and one body.”Bahá’u’lláh

Another important way we relate with God is through our work here on earth. Through work we are able to sustain our material existence. As Bahá’u’llah Himself has taught that, “The best of all men are they that earn a livelihood by their calling and spend upon themselves and upon their kindred for the love of God, the Lord of all worlds”. The accumulation of wealth and its equitable disbursement to benefit the whole of humanity is itself contingent on work. Yet the fruits of work cannot be limited to the mere satisfaction of our personal needs and wants. It must find constant expression in service to humanity. If carried out in the spirit of service, work becomes an act of worship.

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Devotional Life

“Gather ye together with the utmost joy and fellowship and recite the verses revealed by the merciful Lord. By so doing the doors to true knowledge will be opened to your inner beings and ye will then feel your souls endowed with steadfastess and your hearts filled with radiant joy.”Bahá’u’lláh

At the heart of any relationship is communication. With God this is strengthened by the conversation we have with him. It is by keeping this conversation pure and detached from our selfish motives that it will have its spiritual influence on us. The length of a prayer does not matter to God. He will answer the prayer of anyone if it is pure and urgent. The desire to pray should be driven by our love for God, not for the love of His bounties and material good, or fear of His wrath. Prayer in its purest form will nourish our spirit, for it is food for the soul. Spiritual forces are released when one communicates with his Creator, how much more when we pray together as a community. It is with this understanding that we go into communal fellowship and worship, a state befitting for the spiritual well-being of the community. All over Uganda, Bahá’is hold different devotional gatherings in homes and centers where adherents of all Religions are welcome to join – to share the eternal Word of God, to enhance the devotional character of the community, to imbibe the fear and love of God in the hearts of all- represents humble efforts in whose full potential have significant implications for the culture of society.

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Community Life

The development of the Bahá’í community life is closely related to education, and one gives impetus to the other. The process gives special attention to the education of young ones, youth, and the enrichment of the spiritual life of the entire community. This allows all the individuals in the community to be active agents in the learning process and see themselves as involved in the process of generation of knowledge; knowledge guided by Bahá’u’llah’s Revelation is then applied to address the numerous social issue. Because the promise of the future of the community depends on the children and youth, the nature of education they receive from that early age must be given due consideration. Community life takes on both the material and spiritual dimensions, and both must be given equal emphasis if the community is to advance. The development of community life clearly has great implication for culture of the society, and is more felt in places where deep study of the Writings and their application into social reality has become a perpetual habit, where artistic endeavors, skills and talents have been harmoniously merged into the activities that bring diverse people together.
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Bahá’í Activities
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Life of Society
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Response to the Call of Bahá’u’lláh
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Devotional Life
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